Monthly Archives: June 2015

Kray Z Comics and Stories 195: Deep Fried Wiener Balls

The theme of the episode is supposed to be Comic Book Characters who get replacements, and eventually Joe and Cory!! get around to discussing it. They are joined by artist and Special Guest Star Jin Wicked. Along with the theme, they discuss:

  • The new Pizza Hut pizza with wieners in it as well as the Hardee’s hamburger with a wiener on it. WHAT IS UP WITH ALL OF THE WIENERS?!?
  • The horrifying food at the Minnesota State Fair
  • They review the preview copy of Badger #1 (it’s also the first installment of the segment Jin Hates Comics)
  • Mad Max Fury Road. Go see it!
  • A short history of how Monty Python’s Life of Brian got funding
  • Hero replacements! 30 minutes into the show, we finally get to the theme of the damn show.
  • What comics Fonzie would recommend back when Joe owned his shop
  • What character replacements worked and what ones didn’t
  • What did we learn? Jin hates comics, Jin doesn’t like animated dinosaurs, Jin likes cars exploding.
  • Jurassic World? DINOSAUR TALK!!
  • Freaking and Geeking

Stay tuned after the closing music for a stinger. It’s just like a Marvel movie, putting something cool after the credits to keep you in the theater longer and make it harder for the teenagers to sweep up the popcorn before the next showing.

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more.

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Solitaire Rose Radio 36: Jack Kirby 1976 – 1978

Cory continues telling us about Jack Kirby’s life and work, this time with his final stint at Marvel, from 1976 – 1978.  He discusses:

  • The Eternals
  • His run on Captain America
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey adaptation and series
  • Kirby feeling he was undermined by Marvel editorial
  • The overlap between his Dc and Marvel work
  • The Silver Surfer graphic novel

And much more in this in-depth look at Kirby’s career and public life.

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 194: Top Ten Comics Being Published Now

Cory and Joe start the show by talking about Cory’s job, recasting the 1966 Batman TV show villains and the top selling comics for May as they get to talking about their ten favorite comics currently being printed. They also discuss:

  • How Loot Crate affects the comics sales charts
  • How do the Loot Crate Exclusives sell on eBay
  • Cory!! tells a terrible Transformers joke
  • They talk comics for over an hour. AN HOUR!
  • And because they talk comics, I don’t have a lot of the normal rabbit trails and diversions to bullet point here, so this description isn’t funny as most. And I am sorry for that.
  • Freaking and Geeking

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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Solitaire Rose Radio 35: Relentless Powerlifting Founder Scott Nutter

Cory interviews powerlifter Scott Nutter, who talks about his time working in group homes (sometimes with Cory) and how powerlifting started as a sport and has now become his way of life. He also explains how he has made powerlifting meet Relentless a force for changing lives, helping people and in doing so, found his true calling. He also talks about his own health, the struggle to stay healthy and why he turned his life around. A funny, powerful interview with someone who is working hard to make thing better for himself and others.

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 193: Moving Time

Joe is HOT! Not just angry but actually hot and Cory!! also had to deal with the heat in his own way. This leads to a discussion over moving, and eventually they start talking about what it’s like to move a business like a comic shop. They also discuss:

  • Moving a tempurpedic mattress
  • How did Joe decide to move to a bigger store?
  • How did Joe mess with animals in the pet store next door while setting up his shop?
  • What was The Funk Pit?
  • Which comic was the tipping point in the 1990’s sales collapse
  • Why Hot Comics St Paul moved to a smaller shop and then eventually closed
  • Freaking and Geeking

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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Solitaire Rose Radio 34: EC History Tales From The Crypt Part 1

Cory!! finally gets back to his personal history of EC comics by going over, in detail, issues 17 – 19 of The Crypt of Terror and 20-22 of Tales From The Crypt.

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 192: The Crazy World of Kray Z Rider

We start off the show with Joe filling us in on the latest crap at his job, Cory!! discusses the song “Fire” by The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown. They also discuss:

  • Rush having washing machines and rotisserie machines on the stage when they perform
  • Cory’s trip to the Comedy Corner
  • Don’t worry, they get to comics eventually.
  • Joe starts talking about new comic series he’s been enjoying like Insufferable, old comics he likes like ‘Mazing Man, the Secret Wars tie-ins and…
  • CONVERGANCE HAS FINISHED! Cory and Joe discuss the comic and the set up it creates so expect spoilers.
  • A LOT of spoilers
  • Why Joe and Cory haven’t been all that excited about all fo the tie-in mini-series
  • Zero Hour and how it annoyed Cory
  • They discuss this article:
  • And this one:
  • They answer listener mail!
  • They don’t mention Jin Wicked, so she won’t listen to this episode!
  • The DO mention The Whizzer, who won’t listen to this episode either.
  • Why they don’t do the segment “Oh My God, the 90’s Actually Happened!”
  • Freaking and geeking

All of this, plus the usual shenanigans and much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 191: MSP ComicCon Wrap-up 2015

As we start talking about MSP ComicCon, Joe talks about a trip down nostalgia lane to find a brand new collectible. They also discuss:

  • Super-hero toilet paper
  • How we were able to stock the charity table at this year’s convention
  • Setting up the charity table and all of the pre-Convention stuff that Cory!! and Joe did
  • Cory!! reuniting with a friend he hadn’t seen in over a decade and the sleep he gave up for it
  • What did Cory!! become fixated on this year?
  • The Hot Comics St. Paul Reunion!
  • What did Joe buy?
  • What happened when Cory!! was released from the charity table
  • Freaking and Geeking

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 190: Free Comic Book Day Memories

Joe and Cory have been away for a bit, so they have a LOT of ‘splaining to do! They start by telling stories about when they first saw one of Cory!!’s favorite movies, Blue Velvet. They also talk about the early days of cable TV and how there was a lot more geeky, weird stuff on it. They eventually get to talking about their Road Trip to St Cloud MN for Free comic book days. They also discuss:

  • Geeky conversations on the drive
  • Granite City Comics
  • Meeting up with Vas Littlecrow Wojtanowicz and making her laugh at our antics
  • The people who showed up for comics and how the shop dealt with Free Comic Book Day
  • What Cory!! and Joe bought while they were there
  • Why Cory!! and Butch will have a new tag team called Granite City Jobbers
  • The Avengers movie!
  • The Space Alien cafe (with a side trip into why Cory fears the Waffle House)
  • Why modern arcades can’t suck enough
  • Freaking and geeking

And the proverbial much, much more!

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