Monthly Archives: February 2025

Kray Z Comics and Stories 667: February 2025 Comics Reviews

Joe and Cory!! read a LOT of comics, and this week, they will review a big batch fo them, including:
-Dog Moon and Hell Eternal (Vertigo)

-Mad Magazine 44 (DC Comics) 

-Smarg – A local Minnesota comic 

-The Little Stooges (American Entertainment)

-Astro City Metrobook 6 (Image)

-Epitaphs From The Abyss 7 (Oni)

They also discuss:
-Cory!! hypes his Gwandanaland subscription and they don’t even pay him to do it.

-Joe talks about how he would watch The Monkees at 3 am when Twin Cities TV went 24 hours

-They wander off onto a rabbit trail about syndicated TV packages of the 1970s

All of this, the usual shenanigans, and much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 666:  15th Anniversary?  Oh Hell!

It’s our 15th anniversary as well as Epiusode 666, so we have TWO things to do. Our secret origin and then the history of Marve;’s Son of Satan!  We also discuss:

  • Why was the show ALMOST called Travelling Geeks?
  • Where did freaking and geeking come from?
  • What is the “push and pull” of the show?
  • Joe still wants the podcast to be live on video.  
  • What was the FIRST version of Son of Satan Sta Lee recommended
  • And then there was a SECOND series name before Son of Satan
  • How Son of Satan had to deal with 1970’s Marvel “Revolving Door” or artists
  • A sideline into the Marvel Fill In series
  • How the write when Son of Satan went from Marvel Spotlight to his own book was…problematic
  • What happened to Son of Satan after his 70’s hayday? 

Joe’s Retro Review is the first issue of Hogan’s Heroes

All of this, the usual shenanigans, and much, much more!

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