Kray Z Comics and Stories 460: Fave Five Comics Shop Memories

Comics are back! And over the last weekend, we have been able to make it to comics shops, but before that, we recorded this episode./ So, what is our theme? Our Fave Five Comic Shop memories! Joe and Cory!! have been going into comics shops for ages., so these are our five favorite times.

Joe grew up in the Twin Cities, and had comic shops from the time he started reading comics. Cory!!, on the other hand, grew up in the middle of nowhere, so there weren’t comics shops around him until after he got out of high school. They talk about a LOT of geeky memories, secrets of comics shops, and all of these things:

  • Cory!! runs down the top ten trades and comics for March
  • Joe’s first comic shop still exists
  • Why video rental was different than most people remember
  • A comics shop in an arcade and how Cory!! was a sneaky bastard when he went
  • God wants comics and SF books
  • Joe was desired all over the twin cities
  • The 24 hour sale Joe had at his old shop

All of this, the usual shenanigans and much, much more!!


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