Kray Z Comics and Stories 207: Goody Two Shoes Cory!!

Joe, Cory!! and returning guest star Jin Wicked get together to talk comics and updates. Jin has moved to Minnesota, Joe has helped his daughter move out and Cory!! doesn’t ever change. They talk about how serialized entertainment helps comic shops, if comic shops can last without weekly comics and so much more:

  • Jin is on the show getting hammered
  • Why Joe is a fantastic host
  • We had a winner to one of our contests!
  • What happens at a comic shop if you don’t pick up your comics on a regular basis.
  • Jin drinks more
  • Joe’s memories of Twin Cities Comics as he moved from comics to tin toys and gas pumps and other unique collectibles
  • Does the regular delivery of entertainment help sales and attention?
  • They discuss binge reading of comics
  • What happens when comics go to $4.99
  • Wrestling talk. No one cares
  • By this point, Jin is so drunk she’s just butts in with embarrassing things about Cory!! that ARE ALL FILTHY LIES!
  • Joe dealing with a caller to his old shop asking about the Rush Limbaugh vs Howard Stern comic.
  • Freaking and Geeking

All of this, the usual shenanigans, Jin drinking and the ever present much, much more!!


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