Kray Z Comics and Stories 248: A Kick In The Infinity Stones

We’re talking Infinity Gems…er…stones….soul gems? They started in The Power of Warlock and now are powering the upcoming Avengers movie Avengers, Infinity War. Cory!!, Joe and special guest Dangerous Dan Mohr discuss their history in the Marvel Universe, as well as their history in Marvel publishing. They also discuss:

  • Was GI Joe in the Marvel Universe?
  • Did anyone play with the gems at Marvel after Starlin left?
  • Why no one brought back Thanos before Starling did in his Silver Surfer comic.
  • How Galactus gets indigestion
  • When the Soul Gems were renamed the Infinity Gems
  • The origin of the Infinity Gauntlet!!
  • What happened to the Infinity gems after the Gauntlet and how did the Ultraverse get involved?
  • Lord Pumpkin is a part of this story. Lord. Pumpkin.
  • The Illuminati get their hands on the gems
  • What happens with the gems during and after  Secret Wars?

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

Dan and Wolfie will be back in Bad Advice: A podcast in the Solitaire Rose Network!


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