Kray Z Comics and Stories 642: Joe Goes To Reno

Joe went to Reno NV for his eldest daughter’s graduation from graduate school!  He tells us about his adventures, and they also discuss:

  • Cory!! taste testes Rooty Tootie Fresh and Fruit Lay’s Poato chips
  • Cory!! Tries to ghet Joe to join in the testing of American Fooooooods.
  • Joe talks about his trip to Comic Kingdom in Renoi NV
  • Cory!! Talks about how his final article in college was rejected by people horrified he wrote it the way he wrote everything in college.
  • Joe then goes to Uncle Junkie, an antique store
  • Joe and Cory!! talk about DC comics surveys of the 70’s and 80’s. 
  • Joe talks about this book in detail and when I was mixing the podcast and asked him about it, he denied knowing anything about it. 
  • These Depthless Shores:

All of this, the usual shenanigans and much, much more!


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