Solitaire Rose Radio 84: Gorgo Legacy with Patrick McEvoy and Mac McLintock

Long time friend of the podcast Patrick McEvoy is back doing Kaiju, and this time, it’s both a tie-in to a past work AND a prequel to a classic movie. Titanic Creations founder Mac McLintock joins Cory!! as we talk about Gorgo Legacy, a new graphic novel prequel to the British “Giant Monster” movie that played endlessly on TV back in the 60’s and 70’s and spawned a Steve Ditko comic tie in!

We also discuss the creation of Titanic Creations, a company making high end Kaiju toys and graphic novels, our shared love for Giant Monsters, and how Mac has lost his mind in offering such great stuff at bargain prices.

You can pledge on the crowdfunding for Gorgo Legacy at This Link

You can also get all of the Titanic Creations cool stuff at their website:


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