Kray Z Comics and Stories 646: Should Jean Grey Have Stayed Dead in 1986?

It’s time for a NEW Episode of your favoriute comic book podcast. This week we play with an idea floating around on Facebook:

Should Jean Grey have been brought back to life for X-Factor?  Cory!! goes into the plans behidn the scenes at Marvel at the time. They then discuss things that may or may not have been changed by Jean staying dead and a different character taking the “mystery character” role. Cory and Joe debate the issue, play with ideas that may have sprang from it, and if Jean Grey has been used well since her resurrection.

If you read the X-Men back in the 80’s, you’ll be yelling at us the whole time, and if you don’t know about the 80’s in the 80’s, get ready to sit back and learn about the X-Men as they started to become the most convoluted series of stories in comics!

They also discuss:

  • Headphone trouble. 
  • Cory!! tries Blueberry Donut flavored Potato Chips.
  • AMERICAN FOOOOOOOD they discuss the new food at the Minnesotas State Fair
  • How The X-Men had a big crossover to reveal a secret and revealed nothing at all.
  • Joe goes dollar bin diving
  • Cory!! talks about the weird world of TV tie in books. 

All of this, the usual shenanigans and much, much more!


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